Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Activia Yogurt

Klaire is 6.

Here problems are minimal, but she has been having accidents more frequently. By accidents, I mean small messes in her underwear. Not big embarrassing messes, but enough to not smell good- know what I mean.

So we do Miralax about every other day and have added Activa yogurt to her diet. It did not work immediately. But after about a month of daily consumption, I can tell a real difference. She has had less accidents and seems to be going better with less Miralax. That is encouraging for us! We are making progress!

Goat Milk or Soy Milk

As I was weeding through my personal blog I came across this post

Well, the goat milk didn't set so well on my little one's stomach. She spit it up just like she did whole cows milk. So we are on to soy milk. She is doing well with the soy milk and it is not causing any bm problems. I must say that soy milk isn't the best taste out there, it taste like soy beans- edamame that is, but my little one doesn't seem to mind at all.

I know that there are many out there who do not approve of soy. In my experience with my daughter, soy milk and soy formula worked the best for her stomach. Now that she is 6, we do cows milk fine. She doesn't drink alot of cows milk though. She tends to do more yogurt and limited cheese.

The Bear's Story: Part 2 (Age 2-4)


I realize that I haven't been keeping up with my updates on Klaire and her anal stenosis (one day I am sure she will be horrified that I wrote about her "poo poo problems"). After receiving a comment to the post on her anal stenosis I realized there was quite alot I should share for those parent's dealing with this issue.

Klaire was able to end her dilating around 1 1/2 years old. From time to time till she was 2 1/2, I did have to occasionally dilate her when she went for several days without a BM. I always could tell when it was coming. Caution- bathroom issues about to be discussed. The onset of constipation was easy to tell. She would have BM's but they would more like rabbit pellets. She would strain terribly and usually start to cry from the pain. This would go on for a few days to a week ( a few times 2 weeks) before it would "break through" as I call it, when a massive explosion would occur and she would be able to pass her BM, but this was also painful for her.  The Cause: In short, it was either me forgetting to give her Calm or Myralax for a day. Sometimes it would be related to eating to many crackers or getting gummies. But it did seem that if I was consistant with her "poo poo juice" as we call it (Calm or Miralax) these episodes would be few and far between.

She would visit her pediatric sugreon once a year from 2 years on. We were told that surgery might still be an option depending on how and if she was able to potty train.  Potty training came very quickly to her. She was able to have a better BM experience by using the potty, and I was very thankful that she didn't have to many problems- at first. We had many relaps where she would rather wear diapers so she could poop in them instead of using the toilet- this was mainly because it was easier for her to stand and get her BM out. So many thrown away panties and relying on pull ups at times was necessary. But the good news is today- at almost 5 years old- we have very few problems. She is completely potty trained- night time included. One thing I have been very cautious with is the time frame of giving her "poo poo juice". If I know we are going out- to the store, church, library, co-op, what ever- I wait to give her the juice till we get home. It works quickly and gives her little warning time to get to a bathroom, so I certainly don't want to embarrass her by having an accident.

As far as medicine and food goes.... She has been on Miralax- the generic form- for several years now. Natural Calm works when the Miralax doesn't. But I have found at times her body becomes immune to one of them, and then I have to switch. I am thankful that something does work for her though. She takes a more than adult dose everyday with juice- thus the name "poo poo juice". We have to be careful that she doesn't get to many foods that are gummy- like gummy bears or snacks, or twizzlers. She cannot take gummy vitamins, and we do not do chewing gum yet. She has gotten better at tolerating grains, but we still have to be careful with processed crackers like saltines, Ritz, or cheese its. Bran muffins are great and so is oatmeal. Both seem to really help in keeping her moving. My biggest issue right now is getting her to drink enough liquids during the day. We play a water race, to try and encourage the kids to drink their bottles of water, but she doesn't really care to win at this point. So I have to make her drink it by with holding computer, outside time, tv, etc. till she gets it down- and it works.

She will hopefully be released from her pediatric surgeon this next visit. Since we have had a good year with no major flare ups. One thing they said they could do if she had accidents, was to install a permantant place to give an enema in her belly button where she could flush out her bowels daily. Doesn't sound like a good thing to me, and thankfully at this point it is not even an option for us. I am thankful we homeschool. It would have been very difficult on her to have went to school of any kind with the issues that she has from time to time. They are not bad these days, but on occasion she has an accident, and this may go on for a few more years.

In summary....What helps

Natural Calm
Oatmeal- the slow cooking kind
Bran Muffin
Lots of water

Hope this helps! Please email me if you have further questions about what your child is dealing with. I will help any way I can.  My email is

The Bear's story: Part 1


My daughter was born with anal stenosis. We found out that she had this condition when she was 2 days old and ready to come home from the hospital and hadn't had a bowel movement. The next few days were horrible to say the least as she was rushed to another hospital and placed in the NICU as the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong with her. Fortunately she only had anal stenosis and not something worse. We can deal with anal stenosis.

But, there isn't a lot of information out there that seems to answer all of my questions so I figured that I will document our journey in hopes that it will help someone else out there looking for answers for their child.

First, I breast feed till she was 7 months old. I would have done it longer, but I have always had problems with milk production and she kept losing weight so we went to formula. She has been on soy formula, nothing fancy, just generic from walmart. She has tolerated it fine. Another option would be goat milk formula, which I wish I knew had existed and would have tried it. I have also heard of mothers using raw goats milk to feed infants when the mothers have trouble breastfeeding. Those are just a few options. Obviously, breastfeeding is the best option for your baby.

Dilating- it is horrible. Let me explain, and if you have a child with this condition you understand what I am talking about. To help the baby pass their BM, you have to use different size plastic rods (for use of a better term) to stretch the opening. I am told it isn't painful to the baby, but I am sure they would disagree by the screams they let out! It is a horrible but necessary thing to do. I have been doing it now for a year and we are to the point of doing just once a month praise the Lord! The hope is that we won't be needing to dilate her anymore in the next few months.

Constipation. This is my definition- when your child doesn't go for a day. I know it isn't what medical journals say, but when my daughter doesn't go for a day- I consider it constipation and her tummy starts to enlarge. Here are a few things that have worked for us.
- Natural Calm- you can find this at health food stores. It is a magnesium citrate formula that helps you go, and helps my baby.
- Prunes everyday. I started her off with the stage one organics and we now use stage two prunes and apples.
- Pear juice. This has been some of the best stuff recently. Apple juice worked at first, then it seemed to have stopped working. Right now, I can give her pear juice and she will go within the hour.
- Limit grains. I am gradually reintroducting them. From time to time they still stop her up. When using grains, use the purest form you can find though. White rice cereal, I have found to be a no no. Maybe use millet ground up or wheat berries, oats, or brown rice- ground up that is.

I will keep this updated as I run across useful information and as we continue our trial and error with anal stenosis.

The following was helpful for understanding anal stenosis from a "technical" point of view.